October 04, 2022
It is an interactive way to spread awareness during National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM) and to raise money for JDRF, the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research!
JDRF and ExpressionMed are inviting the diabetes community to outfit their CGMs with these awesome JDRF-themed tapes and are inviting those who don’t live with diabetes to wear a supporter tape to educate others about type 1 diabetes and to support this resilient community!
We know social media planning can be time consuming, so we built this challenge to do the planning for you!
Instructions can be found in this blog or in our challenge Discord (a place where you can chat with other participants, share ideas, and hype up each other's posts!)
Day 0: It’s the eve of National Diabetes Awareness Month, so grab your JDRF tape, wear it with us, and encourage your friends to join in on all the fun challenges coming this November!
Day 1: It’s officially National Diabetes Awareness Month, so grab your JDRF supporter tape, wear it with us, and encourage your friends to join in on all the fun challenges coming this November!
Day 2: People might know your name, age, and where you’re from, but do they know about your type 1 diabetes? It’s time for a little get to know me and get to know my diabetes!
Day 3: Engage your followers AND spread awareness with challenge day 3! We see a lot of posts about how people don't know the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but how prevalent is this misunderstanding? What does your audience know and what can you teach them?
Day 4: Many people don’t realize all the steps you have to take every day as a T1D, like all the calculating, counting, guessing, and managing of EVERYTHING. Let’s show them what it’s really like to live with T1D!
Day 5: Who do you want research to move forward for? Is it for you? Your kids? A friend? A family member? Tell your story!
Day 6: With all the misinformation out there, it can get frustrating when people perpetuate stereotypes and don’t really understand the basic components of the disease you have to deal with everyday. What is one thing you want people without diabetes to know or a small fact that may not have been mentioned yet? Let’s educate!
Day 7: Most people have no idea of the time, money, and energy that goes into having and dealing with T1D. And most importantly, most people don’t have to pay for their insulin. It’s time to shed some light on this not-so-fun side of the disease. Count up and share your totals!
Day 8: Where do you go to find information that is helpful to you? One of JDRF’s initiatives is to let people know where to go to find support. Let’s spread some helpful resources that we turn to for support!
Day 9: If you don’t have T1D, a juice box, low snack, and glucagon are unusual things to take with you. But, for those of us with T1D, these are MUST-HAVES! What are the most important things you take with you? Open that bag, purse, pocket, and show us!
Day 10: It’s challenge day 10 and it’s time to share with everyone how you participated in all the NDAM challenges! Gather up some clips you filmed for past challenges and show us a highlight reel!
Yes! If you read through the challenge details, you’ll see that we’ve provided instructions that work for everyone. Whether you’ve lived with T1D for 80 years or you are just learning about it today, your voice can help us move #forwardas1 towards more awareness, treatments, and, eventually, cures.
Nope! If you’ve purchased a tape, you’ve already donated to JDRF's mission of moving #forwardas1 towards cures, prevention, and treatment for type 1 diabetes and its complications. We can’t thank you enough!
If only a few challenges are exciting to you, feel free to select your favorites to join.
If you want to participate at the highest level, we challenge you to join all #10DaysforT1D.
We will are so excited to see your videos, and we will be commenting, sharing, and reposting throughout the month!
"The type 1 diabetes community understands the toll this disease takes on daily life. This campaign will inspire our community and others to share their story, educate those around them, and explain the power that research has when it comes to improving lives and eliminating T1D for good. #Forwardas1 celebrates the progress we’ve made, and the progress that’s to come. Looking ahead and looking forward keeps us laser-focused on our goal–to see a world without type 1 diabetes. It also keeps us in the moment and allows us to pause and think about WHAT and WHO this progress is FOR: It’s for more cutting-edge advancements for Camila and for Sam. It’s for our advocacy efforts that drive insulin affordability and choice. It’s for the people in our lives who support and care for us, and it’s for the awareness of a disease that we want others to truly see and understand. For those living with type 1 diabetes and those who love someone with type 1 diabetes, looking Forward is what fuels our vision and mission to cure, prevent and treat type 1 diabetes and its complications – a mission that’s worth fighting for. Learn more at JDRF.org/NDAM.
October 04, 2022
Join Day 0 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: October 31, November 10, or November 20
It’s the eve of National Diabetes Awareness Month, so grab your JDRF tape, wear it with us, and encourage your friends to join in on all the fun challenges coming this November!
Directions for Those Living with Diabetes: Create an ASMR style video of you applying your CGM with a JDRF T1D awareness month tape and mailing your 5 supporter tapes and challenge cards to people who support you and the T1D community! Don’t forget to tag them in your post!
● Sound Suggestions:
○ Cute Horror Song - https://bit.ly/CuteHorrorSong
○ Great Pumpkin Waltz - https://bit.ly/GreatPumpkinWaltz
○ Oh Klahoma - https://bit.ly/Oh_Klahoma
● Suggested Caption: I accepted the #10DaysForT1D challenge! I nominate @name @name @name @name and @name to join me to spread awareness for T1D this November 💙
● Suggested Hashtags: #NDAM #forwardas1 #JDRFxEM #10DaysForT1D
● Notes:
○ Since this will be on Halloween, use trending Halloween hashtags and sounds for virality.
○ To be educational, add a voiceover/narrate what you are doing, why you chose your site, what a CGM does, etc.
Supporters of The T1D Community: The #10DaysforT1D Challenge will start for you tomorrow! You do not need to do anything for Day 0. Click here to skip to Day 1!
Still not quite sure what the #10DaysforT1D Challenge is? Click here for more information!
October 04, 2022
Join Day 1 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: November 1, November 11, or November 21!
Those Living with Diabetes: You should have completed your first video yesterday (click here if you have not completed Day 0). Today, supporters of the T1D community will be posting their Day 1 videos showing them applying their supporter tape.
Supporters of the T1D Community: It’s officially National Diabetes Awareness Month, so grab your JDRF supporter tape, wear it with us, and encourage your friends to join in on all the fun challenges coming this November!
● Directions: Film yourself applying your supporter tape while duetting/mirroring an application video from a T1D applying their tape. Find these videos by searching #10DaysForT1D on tiktok, instagram, or youtube! Mail your challenge cards to your friends and don’t forget to tag them in your post!
● Sound Suggestions: Use the sound of the video you dueted
● Suggested Caption: I accepted the #10DaysForT1D challenge! I nominate @name @name @name @name and @name to join me to spread awareness for T1D this November 💙
● Suggested Hashtags: #NDAM #JDRFxEM #10DaysForT1D #Forwardfor(insert name of the person you’re supporting during NDAM)
Want more information about #10DaysforT1D? Click Here!
October 04, 2022
Join Day 2 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: November 2, November 12, or November 22!
For Those Living with Diabetes: People might know your name, age, and where you’re from, but do they know about your type 1 diabetes? It’s time for a little get to know me and get to know my diabetes!
● Directions: Watch inspo video “I’m a type 1 diabetic” (https://bit.ly/inspovideo) and create a similar video with text that transitions on the beat changes of the sound youchose.
● Sound Suggestions:
○ BYNX mashup - https://bit.ly/BYNXMashup
○ Indie - https://bit.ly/IndieSong
● Suggested Wording to Use In Your Video:
○ "I am a type 1 diabetic"
○ “My pancreas does not produce insulin on its own so I have to buy vials of insulinto stay alive”
○ “I keep these vials of insulin in my refrigerator for when I need to bolus for food or correct high blood sugars”
○ “Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with a low blood sugar and have to treat it with a snack”
○ “I’ve been waiting for a cure for [days since diagnosis] days”
● Suggested Caption: I am a type 1 diabetic. or This is what having T1D looks like.
● Suggested Hashtags: #t1dlookslikeme #10DaysForT1D
For Supporters of the T1D Community: For this challenge, those with T1D are posting a “get to know me” and “get to know my diabetes” video. So, to build education through side-by-side comparison, the supporter group is
challenged to do a “get to know me” and “get to know why I’m participating in NDAM!” This will bring T1D knowledge outside of T1D accounts!
● Directions: Watch inspo video “I’m a type 1 diabetic” (https://bit.ly/inspovideo) and create a similar video with text that transitions on the beat changes of the sound you use.
● Sound Suggestions:
○ BYNX mashup - https://bit.ly/BYNXMashup
○ Indie - https://bit.ly/IndieSong
● Suggested Wording to Use In Your Video:
○ “I’m not a Type 1 Diabetic”
○ “My pancreas produces insulin for free so I don't have to worry about managing my blood sugar numbers or counting carbs”
○ “I never have to worry about treating low blood sugars in the middle of the night”
○ “I’m supporting research for a cure by wearing this tape and donating to JDRF”
● Suggested Caption: I am not a type 1 diabetic.
● Suggested Hashtag: #t1dawareness #10DaysForT1D
Click here for more information about the #10DaysforT1D Challenge!
October 04, 2022
Join Day 3 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: November 3, November 13, or November 23!
For Those with Diabetes: Engage your followers AND spread awareness with challenge day 3! We see a lot of posts about how people don't know the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but how prevalent is this misunderstanding? What does your audience know and what can you teach
● Directions: Poll your audience and post the results at the end of the day.
● Sound Suggestion: Darcy Strokes - https://bit.ly/DarcyStrokes
● Wording to Use in Your Video:
○ What are the differences between T1D and T2D?
○ What does a CGM do?
○ What can cure T1D?
○ Is insulin for highs or lows?
● Suggested Caption: How much do you know? or How well did you do?
● Suggested Hashtags: #t1dQandA #t1dtrivia #10DaysForT1D
● Notes:
○ For TikTok, post questions & answers and say “Comment how many you got
○ Bonus: Create and film a Q&A sessions with friends. Check out this tiktok for
inspo! - https://bit.ly/QAwithFriends
For Supporters of the T1D Community: Engage your followers AND spread awareness with challenge day 3! We see a lot of posts about how people don't know the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, but how prevalent is this misunderstanding? What does your audience know and what can you teach
● Directions: Poll your audience and post the results at the end of the day.
● Sound Suggestion: Darcy Strokes - https://bit.ly/DarcyStrokes
● Wording to Use in Your Video:
○ What are the differences between T1D and T2D?
○ What does a CGM do?
○ What can cure T1D?
○ Is insulin for highs or lows?
● Suggested Caption: How much do you know? or How well did you do?
● Suggested Hashtags: #t1dQandA #t1dtrivia #10DaysForT1D
● Notes:
○ For TikTok, post questions & answers and say “Comment how many you got
○ Bonus - Create and film a Q&A sessions with friends - Watch this tiktok for inspo! https://bit.ly/QAwithFriends
Click here to learn more about the #10DaysforT1D Challenge!
October 04, 2022
Join Day 4 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: November 4, November 14, or November 24!
For Those with Diabetes: Many people don’t realize all the steps you have to take every day as a T1D, like all the calculating, counting, guessing, and managing of EVERYTHING. Let’s show them what it’s really like to live with T1D!
● Directions: Choose one of the two options -
○ Post a video of what you eat in a day, how you estimate carbs, dosing for food, and other times in the day where you have to be aware of blood sugar changes.
○ Duet non-diabetic videos and add carb guesses & commentary.
● Sound Suggestions:
○ Aesthetic - https://bit.ly/AestheticSong
○ Chill Vibes - https://bit.ly/ChillVibesSound
● Suggested Wording to Use in Your Video:
○ Add a title in the first clip - What I eat in a day as a T1D
○ Write out the name of meal, what you ate in that meal, total carb count
(example: Lunch - sandwich, chips, and apple = 65g)
● Suggested Caption: A day in the life of a T1D. or A normal day as a T1D.
● Suggested Hashtags: #whatieatinaday #eatwithme #dailycarbcounts #dailydoses #10DaysForT1D
For Supporters of the T1D Community: Many people don’t realize all the steps T1Ds have to take everyday with meals, like all of the calculating, counting, guessing, and managing of EVERYTHING. Show what you eat in a day and leave pauses after. The T1D community is challenged to duet your videos and share what carb counts and insulin dosing would be like if you had T1D!
● Directions: Post a video of what you eat in a day, leave pauses for people to guess carb counts.
● Sound Suggestions:
○ Aesthetic - https://bit.ly/AestheticSong
○ Chill Vibes - https://bit.ly/ChillVibesSound
● Suggested Wording to Use in Your Video:
○ People with T1D have to calculate carb counts whenever they eat.
○ Help me calculate mine from my meals today!
● Suggested Caption: Are you a carb counting champion? Let's see!
● Suggested Hashtags: #whatieatinaday #eatwithme #10DaysForT1D
October 04, 2022
Join Day 5 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: November 5, November 15, or November 25!
For Those with Diabetes: Who do you want research to move forward for? Is it for you? Your kids? A friend? A family member? Tell your story!
● Directions: Make a talking video about your/their story
○ TikTok suggestion - start with “If you’ve seen this tape on your fyp..."
● Sound Suggestions:
○ The Winner Takes it All- https://bit.ly/WinnerTakesAllSound
○ Sad Piano - https://bit.ly/SadPianoSound
● Suggested Caption: Here's their/my story. or It's time for a cure!
● Suggested Hashtags: #diabetesresearch #hopeforacure #10DaysForT1D
For Supporters of the T1D Community: Who do you want research to move forward for? Is it for you? Your kids? A friend? A family member? Tell your story!
● Directions: Make a talking video about your/their story
○ TikTok suggestion - start with “If you’ve seen this tape on your fyp..."
● Sound Suggestions:
○ The Winner Takes it All- https://bit.ly/WinnerTakesAllSound
○ Sad Piano - https://bit.ly/SadPianoSound
● Suggested Caption: Here's their/my story. or It's time for a cure!
● Suggested Hashtags: #diabetesresearch #hopeforacure #10DaysForT1D
October 04, 2022
Join Day 6 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: November 6, November 16, or November 26!
For Those with Diabetes: With all the misinformation out there, it can get frustrating when people perpetuate stereotypes and don’t really understand the basic components of the disease you have to deal with everyday. What is one thing you want people without diabetes to know or a small fact that may not have been mentioned yet? Let’s educate!
● Directions: Create an educational video talking about diabetes facts that you wishpeople understood. Make sure to create some diversity in the facts you share so people can scroll and learn.
○ Examples:
■ I don’t have a needle in my skin 24/7
■ This is a glucagon...
■ I didn’t get T1D from eating too much sugar
■ This is not a phone, it’s my insulin pump
■ This should be allowed inside concert venues (Tell a story)
● Sound Suggestion: Pastel Skies - https://bit.ly/PastelSkies
● Suggested Wording to Use in Your Video:
○ Add the fact you are discussing as the text on the screen (refer to the examples above).
● Suggested Caption: This is what I wish people knew! or You might not know this.
● Suggested Hashtags: #diabeducated #diabeteseducation #10DaysForT1D
For Supporters of the T1D Community: With all the misinformation out there, it can get frustrating for those with T1d when people perpetuate stereotypes and don’t really understand the basic components of the disease they have to deal with everyday. So let’s put our learning caps on and share what we discovered!
● Directions: Browse through diabetes hashtags and make a video about what you learned that you didn’t know before.
● Sound Suggestion: Pastel Skies - https://bit.ly/PastelSkies
● Suggested Wording to Use in Your Video: Type out the facts that you learned on the screen (bullets or brief sentences)
● Suggested Caption: Let's tear down those T1D stereotypes and misconceptions with education and compassion!
● Suggested Hashtags: #diabeducated #diabeteseducation #10DaysForT1D
October 04, 2022
Join Day 7 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: November 7, November 17, or November 27!
For Those Living with Diabetes: Most people have no idea of the time, money, and energy that goes into having and dealing with T1D. And most importantly, most people don’t have to pay for their insulin. It’s time to shed some light on this not-so-fun side of the disease. Count up and share your totals!
● Directions: Make a video about T1D related expenses:
○ Month of insulin (price)
○ Month of supplies (price)
○ Hours of sleep lost in a month (guess)
○ # decisions per day (#)
○ Time spent treating lows and highs (guess)
● Sound Suggestions: Ding Loop - https://bit.ly/DingLoop
● Suggested Wording to Use in Your Video: My monthly diabetes-related expenses
● Suggested Caption: It's expensive to be a T1D! or Wishing I could put my time, money, and energy into something more fun!
● Suggested Hashtags: #diabetesexpenses #thepriceoft1d #10DaysForT1D
For Supporters of the T1D Community: Most people have no idea about the time, money, and energy that goes into having and dealing with T1D. And most importantly, most people don’t have to pay for their insulin. Show howdifferent your totals for all diabetes related expenses are! (for you it will be 0, and so the duetwith a T1D’s expenses will be super powerful!)
● Directions: Duet a ding loop from someone with T1D where your expended time is 0
● Sound Suggestions: Ding Loop - https://bit.ly/DingLoop
● Suggested Wording to Use in Your Video: My monthly diabetes-related expenses
● Suggested Caption: Zero!
● Suggested Hashtags: #diabetesexpenses #thepriceoft1d #10DaysForT1D
October 04, 2022
Join Day 8 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: November 8, November 18, or November 28!
For Those Living with Diabetes: Where do you go to find information that is helpful to you? One of JDRF’s initiatives is to let people know where to go to find support. Let’s spread some helpful resources that we turn to for support!
● Directions: Build a carousel of resources for people to share to their story
○ Say “Share this so it gets to your T1D followers”
○ Resources - support groups, FB pages, Friends for Life, online communities
● Suggested Hashtags: #diabetesresources #diabeteseducation #10DaysForT1D
● Notes: Many newly diagnosed adults don’t seek help because they think JDRF is just for kids, so lead with adult resources.
For Supporters of the T1D Community: Have you ever been in need of support and didn’t know where to go? One of JDRF’s initiatives is to let people know where to go to find support when they are newly diagnosed with T1D. Let’shelp them spread some useful resources so that no one feels alone!
Directions: Build a carousel of resources for people to share to their social media story.
○ Say “1-in-10 Americans have diabetes. Share this so it gets to your T1D
○ Resources - support groups, FB pages, Friends for Life, online communities
● Suggested Hashtags: #diabetesresources #diabeteseducation #10DaysForT1D
● Notes: Many newly diagnosed adults don’t seek help because they think JDRF is just for kids, so lead with adult resources.
October 04, 2022
Join Day 9 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: November 9, November 19, or November 29!
For Those Living with Diabetes: If you don’t have T1D, a juice box, low snack, and glucagon are unusual things to take with you. But, for those of us with T1D, these are MUST-HAVES! What are the most important things you take with you? Open that bag, purse, pocket, and show us!
● Directions: Create a video showing the most important things you always take with you when you go anywhere.
○ Normal stuff: Keys, wallet, phone, etc.
○ Diabetes stuff: Meter, glucose tablets, glucagon, etc.
● Sound Suggestion: Little Things - https://bit.ly/LittleThingsSound
● Suggested Wording to Use in Your Video: -
○ The most important things I take with me anywhere I go.
■ Add item names on screen
○ Prompt viewers: "What do you take everywhere with you?"
● Suggested Caption: These are my T1D must-haves. or I could not live without these!
● Suggested Hashtags: #t1dsupplies #diabetessupplies #t1dmusthaves
For Supporters of the T1D Community: A juice box, low snack, and glucagon are probably not something you’d throw in your bag or pocket when you leave home, but for those of us with T1D, these are MUST-HAVES! What are
the necessities that you can not leave home without? Open that bag, purse, pocket, and show us!
● Directions: Create a video showing the most important things you always take with you when you go anywhere.
○ Example: Keys, wallet, phone, etc.
● Sound Suggestion: Little Things - https://bit.ly/LittleThingsSound
● Suggested Wording to Use in Your Video:
○ The most important things I take with me anywhere I go
■ Add item names on screen
○ Prompt viewers: "What do you take everywhere with you?"
● Suggested Caption: Keys, wallet, phone, and that's it!
● Suggested Hashtags: #mymusthaves #10DaysForT1D
October 04, 2022
Join Day 10 of the #10DaysforT1D Challenge on: November 10, November 20, or November 30!
For Those Living with Diabetes: Congrats! It’s challenge day 10 and it’s time to share with everyone how you participated in all the NDAM challenges! Gather up some clips you filmed for past challenges and show us a highlight reel!
● Directions: Show a compilation of clips from all the challenges you participated in this month.
● Sound Suggestions:
○ What Falling.. - https://bit.ly/WhatFalling
○ False Start - https://bit.ly/FalseStartSound
● Suggested Wording to Use in Your Video: I participated in EMxJDRF's challenges this November for NDAM and here is how it went..
● Suggested Caption: Here's what I did this November!
● Suggested Hashtags: #NDAMrecap #diabetesrecap #10DaysForT1D
For Supporters of the T1D Community: Congrats! It’s challenge day 10 and it’s time to share with everyone how you participated in all
the NDAM challenges! Gather up some clips you filmed for past challenges and show us a highlight reel! Thank you so much for supporting the T1D community! You’ve probably already seen it in your comments, but you’ve helped a whole community feel more seen and understood.
● Directions: Show a compilation of clips from all the challenges you participated in this month.
● Sound Suggestions:
○ What Falling.. - https://bit.ly/WhatFalling
○ False Start - https://bit.ly/FalseStartSound
● Suggested Wording to Use in Your Video: I participated in EMxJDRF's challenges this November for NDAM and here is how it went..
● Suggested Caption: Here's what I did this November!
● Suggested Hashtags: #NDAMrecap #diabetesrecap #10DaysForT1D